
Thursday, April 29, 2010


I opened the blinds to the massive expanse of windows in my bedroom this morning and looked out on the dirt filled back yard and our trampoline. Just above the top rim I could see the toe-headed hair of my sons tossing around in the sunlight and wind. I know they have dragged their blankets outside in the yard, even though they know they aren't supposed to. They both need bath; Ethan still has chocolate donut smeared across his delectable cheeks. But they've got their giant tonka, a tractor, a bunch of dirt and some weeds. They have arrived in little boy heaven. I can see the glee exuding from their faces, it's the most beautiful sight in the world. Seriously. Dirty jammies and all.

I finished my last class of the semester last night. yessssssssssss. 4 months of nothing but fun with my kids. And the landscapers are beginning the yard today. (We finally finished putting in the sprinklers) Look out dirt, you just joined the endangered species list.

And that, also makes me very happy.


Marc and Stacy said...

Congrats on finishing your class and on the yard!! Yea for landscaping!!