
Monday, June 30, 2008

Self Indulgence

Artic Circle mini corn dogs have got to be about the best thing in the world. I'm such a five year old. Every time I roll up to the drive through and order these babies, they ask me what kind of drink I want with my happy meal. "Um, not the happy meal, just the mini corn dogs." But there really is nothing better than an order of mini corn dogs, a large root beer, and two courtesy cones for the kids. I think I've earned it, after a fun-filled afternoon at Walmart. I'm pretty sure there's absolutely NO nutritional value whatsoever, but I don't really care. A LITTLE self indulgence hasn't killed me yet.


Maran said...

You are silly! I love corndogs, too (and Top Ramen, but don't tell anyone).

arah said...

these are Brinley's favorite! i like them too, but the Sarah doesn't and she likes to make me throw them up.

Forever Young said...

Cori, I love you. You are so never cease to make me smile:)

Roger and Amy Ann Deming Family said...

I giggled to myself the moment I read this! Endulge away. Here's to a little endulgence whenever we need it!

RachelBarker said...

I second that!!! A LITTLE( i love how you made the word "little" BIG) self indulgence wont hurt ever! I plenty of them. :)

Kaisa Bailey said...

Um sadly enough those look delicious. Every few years I get the urge to go to Denio's Auction with Scott and the kids.....EVERY time we go we end up saying as we're leaving "why do we keep coming here? It's so gross and dirty?... oh yeah, it's the hand dipped corn dogs"
Not miniature but so delicious.

Amy Jo said...

yay for mini corndogs. seriously delicious. haha. so ii started a blog! [i'm just gettin' too old. ahaha] check it out. its just [you're my inspriation cori!]