
Monday, November 24, 2008

Dear Stephenie Meyer

Thank you for being the fabulous stay-at-home mother/author that you are. For creating the intoxicating universe of Twilight, that I've spent over a year obsessing over. I swear there is a drug in your books. No matter how many times I read them, I want more. Somehow they found a way to get it into the movie. It wasn't quite as awesome as your book, but still so much awesomeness. And my, my it has the same effect as your books. I just wanted more. They should have made it 3 hours instead of 2. Believe me, no one in that theater would have complained. I don't care that those books were written for teenagers. Even twenty-somethings like me with 3 kids, still want to feel passionately. And your books have that down... to the ground. You don't know how many husbands are enjoying the fruits of your labors, with their wives entertaining there own little Edward fantasies on their husbands... come on girls, you know you do too. So thank you, Stephenie. Even my sweetheart enjoyed the movie.


A devoted fan.
ps. what do you think of my sweet Edward t-shirt?


Nikki said...

I loved the movie, loved the shirt, loved that even us moms have something as yummy as Edward to look forward to! I saw the movie first, now I am ready to read the book. Maybe we'll have to add it to Book Club and do it after everyone has read the book and seen the movie...then we can compare.

Giles Fam said...

Too funny--where did you get that t-shirt? :)

Janet said...

I heard an interview with her once where she said she never intended to write a book for teenagers, she wrote it for her. I think that explains why so many Mom's enjoy it, cause we're just like her. I loved it too by the way!

Forever Young said...

Okay, now that I have seen the T-Shirt, I am totally getting one.

Giles Fam said...

I want to go that so wrong??