
Saturday, January 24, 2009

saturday morning dialog

Carter runs in and sees Hannah laying on the floor with lots of towels underneath her.

Carter(at the top of his lungs): "Hannah, why you laying on the floor!?"

Hannah (rolls over and croaks): "I got sick last night, Carter. I threw up a lot of, and throwing up a lot of doesn't feel good at all. It's yucky."

Carter(again at the top of his lungs): "Hannah, why you laying on the floor!?"

Ah, he's a great listener.


Darla said...

He IS a boy, right? I told Geof. twice today that he had to help Cole prepare a talk for Primary tomorrow. I also told him (twice) that they didn't give us a topic. So right before bed he asks, "what is the talk supposed to be on?". Aaaah!!!

Maran said...

My Hannah is the same way. She asks me the same questions over and over.

So, Cori, if you guys are moving away, we MUST hang out soon. Seriously.